Archive for the ‘How-Tos by SanaQureshi’ Category

Hey all the awesome people out there!

Bored of your same old boring desktop? Want to customize it so that it looks much cooler and catchy? But don’t want to pay for the customization software like Windowblinds? Well, you have come to the right place! I am gonna tell you about a “FREE”, great customization app that doesn’t even hog your system resources and makes your desktop look much much cooler…


Hey there people!

Sick of people seeing your “last seen” status on Whatsapp and objecting? or is it causing problems for you for some reason ( 😉 ), Well here is a good news for you….Whatsapp has given “Privacy” settings! 


Hey again people!

Today I got another useful tutorial for you guys. If you have an android phone, you can easily sync your contacts to your Gmail account in case you accidentally lose your contacts from your phone or decide to buy a new one.


Hey people!

Ever missed birthdays of your loved ones because you simply couldn’t remember the dates? haha it’s completely normal for us to forget things, especially dates! But people don’t really understand that when it comes to not being wished on their special day!


Hey again,

welcome back to my blog!

In my last post, we saw how to create VLANs and assigned different ports to them. That was just for your basic practise and understanding. Today, we are gonna see how to configure 2 more more systems in a same VLAN, how to assign IP addresses and we will send messages to confirm that our systems are corresponding with each other in same VLAN.
